Thank you Lord Jesus THE CHRIST,
for this Holy Day and for bringing us here!

Buddha Maitreya, the Reincarnation of Jesus the Christ
Buddha Maitreya,
the Reincarnation of
Jesus the Christ

Jesus the Christ's Actions & Activities
Affect outcomes For Our collective Humanity on earth

Lord Jesus The Christ,
Sanat Buddha Maitreya Kumara
the Way,
the Truth,
the Light,
the Yogi Christ,
the Planetary Logos,
the World Teacher,
the World Doctor,
the World Scientist,
the truly Virtuous One,
providing Prasadam,
teaching Harmlessness,
teaching Reincarnation,
teaching the Seven Rays of God,
dispelling all World Glamour,
offering Personal & Planetary Healing,
bringing forth Archangel Metatron's Science of God,
casting out satan & all demons - closing the door to evil,
providing the Divine Healing Science of Sacred Geomancy,
awakening the Soul through Transmission of Monadic Healing Blessings,
offering a relationship to Jesus the Christ through Self-Realization & Self-Actualization

Recognition for
Who I AM

Recognized & Enthroned
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar &
Shakyamuni Buddha
International Awards
Marquis Who's Who

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Ceaseless Dharma
Actions & Activities

Invocations & Evocations
Transmission of Blessings
Energetic Medicine
OM Meditations
Dharma Teachings

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Caring & Sharing
Support of Others

Offering of Prasadam
Feeding of the homeless,
children, poor, the sick,
The Masters of Wisdom,
Tulkus, Monks, & Nuns

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Building & REstoring
Monasteries & Sites

in America
in Tibet
in China
in Nepal
in India

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OFFERING The Science

Meditation Music (Pujas)
Many Healing Tool Types
Pyramid Meditations
Advanced Soul Therapy
Soul Therapy Retreats

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Moving the World Towards Right Action

Charitable Activities
Meditate, Listen & Learn
Have Minimalist Lifestyle
Eat Carnivore,Fast,Exercise
Pray & Take Refuge

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Jesus Christ, the Buddha Maitreya, providing energetic medicine via radionics

Archangel Metatron's Science of God  –  Bringing Forth Divine Healing Science of Sacred Geomancy
The Creation of Monastic Meditation Tools also known as the Buddha Maitreya Shambhala Healing Tools

Etheric Weavers  –  Personal Solar Forms  –  Sacred Geometric Forms  –  Head Pyramids  –  Solar Cross Forms  –  Planetary Solar Forms
Meditation Vajras  –  Healing Mat Systems  –  Meditation Pyramid Systems  –  Large Siberian Quartz Crystals

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Jesus The Christ Is Healing the Planet & Humanity With Christ Consciousness, known as the "Noosphere"

Jesus Teaches about the "Noosphere" during an OM Meditation & Dharma Teaching given live on Easter
~ What is the Noosphere?

The Noosphere is the planetary sphere of mind or thinking layer of the planet Earth. To grasp the idea of the Noosphere, we must elevate our consciousness and open ourselves to the most general, elemental, and cosmic principles of life on Earth.

The Noosphere is the next stage in the evolution of human consciousness. As the mental sheathe of the planet, the Noosphere characterizes mind and consciousness as a unitary phenomenon. This means that the quality and nature of our individual and collective thoughts directly affects the Noosphere and creates the quality of our environment – the biosphere.

The historic process is changing dramatically before our eyes ... Mankind taken as a whole is becoming a powerful geological force. Humanity's mind and work face the problem of reconstructing the biosphere in the interests of freely thinking Mankind as a single entity. This new state of the world we are approaching without noticing it, it is the 'Noosphere'.

The return of Christ as the fulfillment of the Noosphere as well as the consummation of the universe. According to the Law of Time, the end of linear time begins the time of the Noosphere and the return of Christ Consciousness.

- Buddha Maitreya, the Reincarnation of Jesus the Christ
Watch the full teaching about Easter and the Noosphere – OM Meditation & Dharma Teaching given live on Easter
The Purpose of Christ is to increase the Light of the Soul on the Earth. My yoga is to manifest the energy of Heaven into the Earth.
- Buddha Maitreya, the Reincarnation of Jesus the Christ
When the iron bird flies and horses run on wheels, the Tibetan people will be scattered like ants across the face of the earth, and the Dharma will come to the land of the red men.
- Padmasambhava, Guru Rinpoche, 8th Century AD
People are praying ceaselessly for personal and planetary healing. So, how would you recognize Jesus if you were to meet Him? In the summer of 2020, Marquis Who's Who, a publication widely known for "exceptionally accurate and always up-to-date" biographies, contacted Sanat Buddha Maitreya Kumara for inclusion in the latest Marquis release. After extensive research, it was verified that he is a historical person, alive today, recognized throughout Asia and America, and is in fact here (since 1951) quietly saving the world. What may be a surprising revelation to the Western world is the fact of historical record for billions regarding Jesus in Buddhism as the founder of Mahayana. The most adept Masters of Wisdom are aware of this. Record of His teachings have been preserved within monasteries such as the Hemis Monastery in Ladakh, India.

Buddha Maitreya, the Reincarnation of Jesus the Christ ~ The World Teacher ~ The Yogi Christ ~ The Planetary Logos
– He is also known by his honorific Tibetan title, His Holiness Jetsun Gyalwa Jampa Gonpo, and has been externalizing and witnessed all over the world for the past 60 years. He has been recognized, enthroned and given ceremonies of recognition, within every Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism in Tibet, Nepal, and India. He was Recognized by H.H the Panchen Lama in 1955, as Buddha Maitreya the Tulku Lineage Founder Padmasambhava, Je Tsong Khapa, and Gautama Buddha – also best known as Lama Dorje as experienced in the heartfelt movie, The Little Buddha. He had shared His Reincarnation story in a Dharma teaching with a small group in the UK in the late-80's/early-90's, which directly influenced and overshadowed the movie.

Little Buddha, A True Story – In May of 1960, Tibetans were sent to California to locate Lama Dorje (the Christ), the reincarnation of Buddha. They knew his name, address, and names of his mother and father. They knocked on the door of the Spencer family, a Native American family in La Puente California. Rick, the elder brother of Lama Dorje, answered the door. Tibetan Lama’s asked to speak to his parents. He invited them in while his parents came to the living room to find out who they were. They introduced themselves as three High Lama’s of Tibet (Masters of Loving Wisdom) sent by the Panchen Lama to locate the Reincarnation of the Buddha, who is only 9 years old and is their son Ron, who was born in Oregon in 1951. They came to bring Him back to Tibet to be furthered in His position for the benefit of all sentient beings, but His parents would not let him go, just like what happened in Jesus' time!

As the Tulku Buddha Maitreya, He is the Living Buddha re-establishing the Dharma and the Sangha for the entire planet. From 1984, at 33 years old, He returned to Nepal, India, and Tibet/China; and in Northern California He established His Planetary Ashram allowing many hundreds of Monasteries to come under His Direct Mastery as the Tulku Buddha Maitreya. He is an avid facilitator of interpersonal relationships, with activities that span everything from humanitarian, medical, scientific, and spiritual accomplishments both in America and abroad. Born to a family of Blackfeet and Cherokee, His reputation as a major transcendental and political leader within Native American societies has influenced thousands of lives through His faith, compassion, and abiding spiritual dedication. He makes Himself available to continue the breadth of His social and governmental influence within society.

Located in Lake County, California, The Church of Shambhala Vajradhara Maitreya Planetary Monastery was designed by Buddha Maitreya as a Sacred Geomancy Planetary Healing Center for Meditation, Dharma Teaching and Soul Therapy. The word Shambhala means heaven. H.H. Buddha Maitreya, the Reincarnation of Jesus the Christ and His wife H.H. Mandarava Tara have received many honors that corroborate Their externalization process and many charitable works, including receiving the Dr. B.R. Ambedkar International Award in 2014 and the Shakyamuni Buddha International Award in 2016 "by virtue of (their) initiative and active role to spread Buddhism, Global Peace, and Meditation among the generations to come with great expectations to put them into practice at the international level".  Most recently in 2020-2021, Sanat Buddha Maitreya Kumara has been inducted as a top professional and honored with the Distinguished Worldwide Humanitarian Award  by the Marquis Who's Who of America and the World.

Please Understand that Jesus the Christ is Here on Planet Earth – He is the reincarnation of Babaji the Yogi Christ, Dorje Shugden the Dharma Protector, Tsong Khapa the "Second" Buddha, Milarepa the Tibetan Saint, Padmasambhava the Guru Rinpoche, Jesus the Christ, Shakyamuni (Sidhartha Gautama) the "First" Buddha, Krishna the Divine Statesman, Shiva the Mahadeva or Destroyer, Vishnu the Preserver, Maitreya the Buddha Ratna-chattra, Enoch the Scribe of Judgment & Ancestor of Noah ... all the way back to Adam the First Incarnation of the Avatar. These are many of the major Incarnations of the countless Avatars of ages past.

The Teachings Are Consistant from Incarnation to Incarnation Initiating ChangeEnoch received the name Metatron after his transformation into one of the highest Angels who communicates God's Word, as Sri Krishna, He brought forth Kriya Yoga as the scientific technique of God-realization. As Sidhartha Gautama, He was born in Nepal and established His Dharma Teachings to prepare the way for Jesus the Christ. As Jesus of Nazareth, He was born in Palestine and He gave forth the teachings of the Christ, battled the devil, endured unimaginable suffering as He went on the cross ... saving our Soul to fulfill God's plan, thus generating a quantum event horizon at the Time of His Resurrection, Regeneration, Reincarnation, and Ascension ... He then went forth and founded the first Buddhist Universities of India and Nepal. As Padmasambhava, He liberated Tibet of demonic forces, one of the evilest places on the planet at the time, bringing forth the teachings of the Buddha to Tibet & China. As Dorje Shugden, one of the true Dali Lamas, He protected and furthered Tibetan Buddhism in its most purest form. As Mahavatar Babaji, He furthered many Masters of Wisdom across two centuries and revived the ancient science of Kriya Yoga.

Over 5.28 billion people, greater than 2/3rds of the planetary population, believe in and are "waiting" for Jesus
– in Christianity, over 2.22 billion believe in One God, waiting for the return of Christ; in Islam, over 1.50 billion believe in One God, waiting for the future Messiah (Christ); in Hinduism, over 1.05 billion are waiting on the return of the Avatar, Krishna (Christ); in Buddhism, close to a half-a-billion are waiting for the "Future Buddha" the Buddha Maitreya (Christ); in Judaism, over 13 million are waiting for the coming Messiah (Christ); in American indigenous populations close to 7 million Native Americans, are looking for White Eagle (Christ).

To personally resonate with The Truth, we highly recommend listening directly to Lord Jesus the Christ, the Buddha Maitreya, through His divine invocations, evocations and blessings put forth through Soul Therapy Meditation Music pujas for Personal and Planetary Healing and meditating & listening to His nightly World Peace OM Meditations & Dharma Teachings ... Christ Has Been, Is, and always Will Be Here to serve & further humanity. This official site is a resource to help you "know" and "witness" the Signs of Christ and His externalization to all of humanity through His many auspicious actions and activities!

Jesus the Christ also radiates His Blessings out into the etheric and physical world using the applied sacred Science of Metatron by designing, creating and blessing Monastic Meditation Tools, also known as Buddha Maitreya Shambhala Healing Tools. These Healing Tools include Etheric Weavers, Personal Solar Forms, Sacred Geometric Forms, Head Pyramids, Solar Cross Forms, Planetary Solar Forms, Meditation Vajras, Healing Mat Systems, and Meditation Pyramid Systems. Be sure to explore these amazing offerings to humanity.

There is only one Lord Jesus the Christ
and He is the Way, the Truth & the Light – the Alpha & the Omega – He Has Always Been, Is, and Always Will Be Here to serve & further humanity – unfortunately, each time the Avatar comes a new religion is often formed in ignorance by humanity with a belief system that "their way is the only way" to God ... realize this is not about Religions, a Pope, a Dali Lama, Dictators, Kings, Queens, Presidents, or Governments – this is about the fact that we are One within One God and the only doorway is through Lord Jesus the Christ.

>>> Read Even More About Who Is Buddha Maitreya, the Reincarnation of Jesus the Christ

One of the things to understand with meditation or spiritual development, is that you are working on an energetic level. It's subtle but it can be extremely powerful and influence you greatly if the right forms of integration happen. It has a healing effect on so many levels that it would have taken a person lifetimes to have gone through all the changes in their mental, emotional and physical body and lifestyle in order to bring about such a benefit.
- Buddha Maitreya, the Reincarnation of Jesus the Christ

One of Jesus the Christ's Many Enthronements

Watch the 2012 Enthronement of Buddha Maitreya The Reincarnation of Jesus the Christ
& Dharma teaching at the Maitri Vihar 'Maitreya' Monastery in Swyambhu, Nepal

Caring For others Through Charity

please support Jesus' charitable activities with donations, offerings & purchases through
'The Church of Shambhala Vajradhara Maitreya Sangha' - a US 501(c)3 registered non-profit or
'The New Group of World Servers Trust' - a UK registered charity
How Can You Help Support Jesus' Activities ?

01. Donate To Our FundRaising

for feeding & clothing of the needy
for free healing clinics & wellness centers
for masters & worldwide monasteries

02. Make Offerings for Teachings

for OM meditations & Dharma Teachings
for replays of archived Teachings
for attending Teaching Dharshans

03. Purchase Meditation tools

at monastery or Soul Therapy centers
at special events or gatherings
at health & wellness shows

Sharing Charitable Support for Fundraising Activities

please help Jesus fulfill His important missions & urgent needs through your kindness & generosity

Opportunities & Event Activities

please attend Jesus' live global Dharma Teaching Dharshans via livestreams from the Church of Shambhala Vajradhara Maitreya Planetary Monastery & experience Jesus' Monastic Meditation Tools in person at Soul Therapy® centers, meditation & wellness events

Ashram ACTIVITIES – "God News" & "Real Reality"

please enjoy Jesus' & Tara's sharing of their activities, projects, Sangha activities, good news, and inspiration
be a witness to humanity's planetary activity of ongoing positive change & outcomes, as Jesus moves the world
Nigma Stupa

image of completed stupa

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Nigma Stupa

image of completed stupa

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Early Lithang Monastery Construction

Early Lithang Monastery Construction

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Solar panels at Shambhala Monastery

Solar panels at Shambhala Monastery

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Soul therapy meditation music – pujas for Personal & Planetary Healing

to realize the Truth, please listen to these tracks by Buddha Maitreya the Yogi Christ
Divine Healing Science of Sacred Geomancy, Archangel Metatron's Science of God