Teaching Dharshans with Jesus

Explore your next opportunity to attend a live Teaching Dharshan with Jesus Christ, the Buddha Maitreya in His central teaching pyramid at the Shambhala Monastery in Lake County, California, America.

A Dharshan is a traditional term for a spiritual teaching given by a spiritually awakened teacher, someone who is recognized as a person who emanates the Light of the Soul and really the Monad. This is a teaching Dharshan of Christ, the America born Buddha Maitreya, who is both Monadic and Soulfully incarnated. Radiating the healing Light of the Soul and teaching Monadically. The Focus of a Dharshan is to change our nature from a more lower nature, personality oriented way of life to more Buddha Nature, spiritual way of life - one that is less self-centered and more selfless, a path of lifetimes ....

While we are in this body, it is our job to evolve this body in this life for our future life, not just for this life. So we work out the karma that we've done in the past. We live out the karma that we live out in everyday life. It is nothing more than a coming back around. So if we deal with our daily situation, our normal relationships in life, deal with them in a more evolved way, every day, every year, till the very day we die, we will come back with those abilities, and we will be able to relate to people even better. And we will be more 'Christ-like', we will have more 'Buddha Nature'. That is our only evolution in life - to become better, more evolved, more compassionate.

– Buddha Maitreya, the Reincarnation of Jesus the Christ

Join Us for NEXT full-day Dharshan

June 2025
- virtual hub from the Shambhala Monastery, US & UK Dharma Centers
$1,075 offering for in-person at a virtual hub (Monastery or US/UK Dharma Centers)
$1,000 offering for worldwide virtual livestream

The Dharshan Offering

100% of all Dharshan offerings go to support Jesus and Tara's worldwide charitable activities to support various monastic projects, including maintanance and construction of monasteries, as well as the day to day support of the practical needs of hundreds of monks and nuns in Tibet, India and Nepal. Please note that an additional 3% processing fee applies to credit card payments. Thank you for your kind and beneficial support!

Please call 1-877-444-SOUL (7685)

Speak with a Monk or Nun if you are interested in attending in person, or virtually via livestream.

Experience Dharshan with His Holiness Buddha Maitreya the Christ

Buddha Maitreya's teachings are very different to New Age workshops and courses. He mainly teaches about the truth behind glamour and explains how separation between men and women creates sub cultures of glamour (lower nature) and greed deluding the senses and altering the evolution of humanity. This counteracts the ability to see and experience God in daily life through greater harmlessness and the Soulful expression of the Seven Rays - our virtue. The actual love and attraction of the opposite sex is our evolution and true Soul's awakening, by evolving the nature of Adam and Eve or God the Avatar like Vishnu and Lakshmi, Shiva and Parvati or Brahma and Saraswati - the expressions of the Monad.

The focus of a Dharshan with His Holiness Buddha Maitreya, the American born incarnation of Buddha Maitreya, is to change our nature from a more lower nature / personality oriented way of life to more Buddha Nature / spiritual way of life - one that is less self-centered and more selfless, a path of lifetimes. Attending a Dharshan, we receive the transmission of love and blessings of His Holiness Buddha Maitreya and through his healing energy awakening the Soul and his teachings that help us better understand what the Soul is - we are drawn into more alignment to the Law of Love and right relationship with God. Attending a Dharshan is not about taking a Guru relationship or joining a religion or group.

If you would like to attend or are considering attending a Dharshan, please email us at dharshan@shambhalahealingtools.com or contact us by phone at 1-877-444-7685 (SOUL)

For anyone wishing to attend a Dharshan for the first time, please call to arrange a phone appointment with a Monk or Nun so that we can answer any questions that you might have and talk through the process of preparing for a Dharshan.

A Commitment To Change & Evolve

By attending a Dharshan, you are making a commitment to change and evolve your ability to care for others and yourself, a similar commitment of service that is made by a Monk or a Nun - to transform personal and material desires and expectations and allow receptivity to the Holy Spirit and spontaneously receive the blessing that this brings, without expectation or obligation towards meeting an individual, but rather ones' own Buddha Nature and the responsibilities that go with it.

The Dharshan Experience

Attending a Dharshan is a most incredible opportunity to receive from Buddha Maitreya on all levels. Each day of the Dharshan is spontaneously unique. Dharshans are to do with the combination of the first two initiations and the process of becoming spiritual, and the pitfalls people can fall into in that process. They focus on the best way to develop spirituality; what Buddha is and what Buddha Nature is; and the purpose of Soul Therapy and the Buddha Maitreya Shambhala Healing Tools and how they safely align the first two initiations.

Being in the Presence of His Holiness will connect you to the merit of your past lives, facilitate personal and planetary healing and further your ability to achieve your Soul's purpose in this and future lives.

Buddha Maitreya will often focus on the tools and the use of the tools and any questions people have focused around that. They focus on the use of the Soul Therapy Music® and meditation as an alignment, attuning to different geometric forms during meditation, and the healing benefits that come from that. Buddha Maitreya also teaches that the tools and geometric forms are based on the esoteric principles of the 7 Rays of God and the vibrational healing that comes from the Soul, like coming into contact with Christ.

Attending a Dharshan with Buddha Maitreya is not about learning scientific techniques. In fact, Buddha Maitreya teaches the opposite of that in the sense that these Dharshans are not trainings on how to use the tools, but are to do with how they work and the difference between healing and treating a person for illness. It's a matter of how you choose to treat a person vibrationally and soulfully. Understanding the Science of God, which is how to come in contact with God's blessings.

Attending a Dharshan changes you through transmission from the living saints; Masters that radiate, bless and uplift your world to a more orderly, sacred, loving one through their prayers. Through His Holiness Buddha Maitreya's gift of the Sacred Science of Metatronics, those prayers are amplified to reach the world through the Buddha Maitreya Shambhala Healing Tools. Buddha Maitreya explains, how each life is a gift and we need to evolve as much virtue and good health as we can, so that in our future lives, we will be born with healthier bodies free from Bad Karma and free to radiate and serve others without limitations. The future is based on what seeds we plant now and our future lives will be the quality of the harvest. Each Human being has the great ability to be a radiating force of goodwill that helps all sentient being to change and heal past karma.

Attending an International Pilgrimage Dharshan, involves pilgrimage to some of the most sacred sites on the planet and elevates the spiritual energy of the participant in many ways.

Dharshan Preparation

Preparation for a Dharshan is essential to gaining the greatest benefit from attending the Dharshan, receiving the blessings of this holy event and the highest level of transmission. In particular, His Holiness recommends that all students who attend the Dharshan do the following to prepare:

– Meditate and work with the Buddha Maitreya Shambhala Healing Tools® and Soul Therapy Music® as much as you can. His Holiness has developed these tools, the Meditation Pyramids and Soul Therapy® to restore our physical and subtle bodies, our Etheric field. Videos of previous Dharshans are also available to purchase to help with the process of preparing to attend a Dharshan. This website contains the latest audio and video teachings that will also enhance your receptivity and facilitate a process of self-healing in and of themselves.

– Familiarize yourself with "Tapestry of the Gods" Volume I and II. These volumes are important preparatory reading in order to better understand the Seven Rays of God, the Science of the Soul which His Holiness teaches about during Dharshans.

– Experience Soul Therapy on at least 2 occasions. Soul Therapy connects that person's personality to their Monastic Soul Expression that is initiated energetically and the therapy of the Soul begins. Soul Therapy prepares humanity for the future reality of complete planetary redemption and transformation, based on the awakening of the Soul. Attending a Dharshan is a further stage in the awakening process.

– Use of Bach Flower Remedies as well as California Flower Essences is recommended.

Feel free to email or call us with any questions you may have at: dharshan@shambhalahealingtools.com or 1-877-444-7685 (SOUL)

Do I need to believe or do anything to attend?

The main thing is that attending a Dharshan is not about following a "master" or joining a religion or group. As Buddha Maitreya teaches he sheds understanding on how historically humanity as a whole has been influenced by psychic illusion and glamour; how the expression of hate and separation creates wars, planetary pollution through waste and greed, autism in children and a long list of social imbalances. He talks about the Seven Rays and the Monad (the Mind of God) - helping to awaken that light within ourselves; the ability to see things more like God sees them and make choices that are in greater alignment with that understanding. If you would like to apply to attend, there is an informal & friendly application process where you have the opportunity to talk with experienced Sangha members. We answer any questions so as to make sure you know what to expect. In addition to using the Shambhala Healing Tools, Buddha Maitreya asks that you experience Buddha Maitreya Soul Therapy before attending a Dharshan which is a one-hour private meditation inside the Buddha Maitreya Soul Therapy Pyramid - a great way to prepare!

learn more about Soul Therapy

What actually happens at a Dharshan?

USA Dharshans are held at the Maitreya Monastery in Lake County, California. They are a one or two-day event held over a weekend. There are also a limited number of Dharshan spaces to attend 'virtually' via video conference. Dharshans are not workshops or about learning techniques or specific practices, it is the opportunity to listen to the incarnated Buddha Maitreya and attune and awaken the buddha nature within yourself. You are not expected to do anything but relax, enjoy and receive; simply being in the presence of His Holiness during the Dharshan changes you and evolves you, bringing greater understanding of life and how to be more Soulful.

Does it cost anything to Attend?

Yes, there is a donation required, which for US Dharshans is usually a $1,100 offering for in-person plus an amount to cover meals and the expenses of the Dharshan itself or $1,000 offering for virtual livestream.We are a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization which means that Dharshan offerings are a donation and 100% tax deductible where applicable. Each student also covers their own travel & lodging expense. Issues with the financial cost of a Dharshan usually come up when people have not yet gotten to know the nature of Buddha Maitreya's charitable work and focus, which has spanned the world since 1994 and continues to the present day. The focus of most fund-raising efforts during 2014 will be on furthering the completion of the Maitreya Monastery which of course Dharshan students get to experience first-hand!